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PCN Spirometry Service

Kilburn Spirometry Service has been developed to ensure that local residents have access to a diagnostic spirometry service. Patients are referred via their GP practice into our Spirometry HUB if they have suspected COPD or asthma where they have not had a previous diagnosis. 


To be referred you must be registered with a Brent GP Practice and all patients must be 16 years or over with suspected COPD or asthma.

You must also not have been previously diagnosed with COPD or asthma.

Patients presenting with undiagnosed respiratory symptoms Breathlessness, wheeze or cough.

Spirometry Enhanced Service HUB is hosted out of Chichele Road Surgery.


Chichele Road Surgery

25 Chichele Rd, London NW2 3AN
Tel. 020 8452 4666


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